Global Analysis Of The Philippine Market

Philippines Real Estate Market Outlook to 2020 - Driven by Rapid Growth of BPO Sector and Increased Demand of Retail and Commercial Properties

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the real estate market in Philippines. The report covers various aspects such as market size of Philippines, Cebu, Davao and Metro Manila real estate market, segmentation on the basis of major provinces, sectors, rental and sales segmentation in residential, commercial, retail and hotel space. The report also covers the market shares of major real estate companies in Philippines as well as the revenues of major players in the Philippines real estate market. 

Philippines real estate market is driven by rapid urbanization, increasing employment by the BPO sector, disposable income, surging OFW remittances and growing real estate investments. The real estate market registered revenues of USD ~ million in 2015. The increase in personal disposable income of consumers, growth in commercial and residential projects has created a demand of real estate property in Philippines. The Philippines real estate market has grown at a CAGR of ~% from USD ~ million in FY'2010 to USD ~ million in FY'2015.

The Philippines real estate market has been penetrated with high investments arising from presence of both international and domestic players in the market. So far, the market has been concentrated in the terms of revenues, since more than ~% of the revenues has been accrued to major players namely Ayala Land Inc, Robinson Corporation and S.M Prime Holdings. Ayala land Inc. has been leading the market with ~% share in the overall revenues from real estate sector. Other players include Century properties, DMCI Homes, Federal Land, Property Company of Friends, Filinvest Land Inc. and others. 

The market for real estate in Philippines is changing at a rapid pace. Growing remittances from overseas Filipino workers, a rapid shift from offline real estate purchase to online portals, a surging IT-BPO sector leading to a huge demand for office spaces and rapid employment generation, increasing disposable income and rising tourism is escalating the demand for all the sectors including residential, commercial, retail and hotel sector. 

Market revenues from the real estate market in Philippines are expected to expand to USD ~ million in FY'2020, growing with a CAGR of ~% from FY'2015 to FY'2020.

Metro Manila Market

Metro Manila contributes the largest share in the Philippines real estate. The market for real estate in Metro Manila posted revenue of USD ~ billion in 2015 as compared to USD ~ billion in 2010. The market witnessed a CAGR of ~ during 2010-2015. Factors attributed to a significant growth in the province include high take-ups in the office sector, continuously expanding retail sector, followed by major expansion in the BPO industry. 

The retail sector contributed to the highest market share in the Manila real estate market accounting for ~ % share in 2015. The sector grew at a CAGR of ~ % during 2010-2015. The demand for residential apartments is backed by increasing popularity of condominium, rising BPO sector which is leading to an increase in the number of employees, thereby leading to a rise in demand for residential space in Manila. The hotel market in Metro Manila exhibited a compounded annual growth of ~ % during 2010- 2015 on the back of rising tourism in the country.

The real estate market in Manila is expected to witness a rapid growth during the forecast period 2016-2020. The market is expected to witness a CAGR of ~% during the period owing to a tremendous growth an expansion in the retail sector followed by increasing number of residential units. 

Cebu Real Estate Market

Cebu, being the second largest province in the Philippines also contributed a major chunk of revenue to the real estate industry in the Philippines. Market witnessed a rapid growth, posting revenues amounting to USD ~ billion in 2015. The market grew at a CAGR of ~% during 2010-2015, owing to surge in overseas remittances from Filipinos abroad, increasing demand for middle range and economic housing projects by OFWs. Huge investments by major real estate developers in Philippines accompanied by low interest rates have led to an increase in the construction and demand for residential units. The residential real estate sector grew at a CAGR of ~% during 2010-2015. 

Davao Real Estate Market

The real estate market of Davao flourished with growing population, increasing construction activities, lower rentals as compared to Metro Manila, improvement in infrastructure and migration of people to Davao owing to rapidly growing employment opportunities in the BPO sector. Though Davao, contributes only a fraction of share in the overall Philippines real estate market, the province is certainly becoming a choice of property purchase in Philippines especially the residential property due to high urbanization. The real estate market in Davao grew at a CAGR of ~% during 2010-2015, posting revenue of USD ~ million in 2015.


SOURCE:  ReportBuyer, London, UK

Rachell de Luna