PhilRES COMELEC Organizational Meeting


February 9, 2018 / Metropolitan Club


IN ATTENDANCE:  PhilRES National President Rod G. Valencia, Vice-Chairman Gene Sison, Realtor Dolly Da Costa, Atty. Mori Amorado, Realtor Meanne Fajardo, and Exec. Dir. Jimmy Cura


Highlights of the Discussion:


1. RGV and JAC briefed the COMELEC nominees on the ratification of the PhilRES Amended Bylaws at the PhilRES second national convention held on November 11-12, 2017 in Cebu City, and the subsequent decision of the Board at its meeting on December 12, 2017, at the Powerplant Mall in Rockwell, Makati, to conduct the first national election of PhilRES in order to select a new national directorate in accordance with the ratified bylaws.

On that occasion, the Board also saw fit to create a  five-man Committee on Elections (COMELEC) and nominate various individuals to comprise it. They are: Dr. Arne Tan, Atty. Jose Amor Amorado, Dolly Rodriguez Da Costa, May Ann Fajardo, and Assessor Eduardo Cedo. JACura was requested to temporarily head the committee as acting chairman.

2. In the letter of invitation to a first meeting of the nominees on Feb. 9, 2018, a copy of Article V of the PhilRES Bylaws on Elections as well as a copy of the entire Amended and Ratified PhilRES Bylaws were attached for the perusal and background information of the nominees.

3. RGV and JAC explained that the task of the COMELEC  - in accordance with the bylaws - is to oversee the preparation for, and conduct of, the national election in accordance with the election rules to be formulated and approved by the national directorate (Board).  

Considering the actual circumstances of PhilRES and its Board, however, it was agreed that it is best for the nominated COMELEC to formulate such rules in accordance with the bylaws and submit it as soon as possible to the Board for approval, and implementation.

4. In the ensuing discussion, the following were suggested and agreed upon:

4.1 Issue to each nominee a copy of the PhilRES Board resolution constituting the COMELEC and naming its members, on which the latter shall affix his/her signature as evidence of acceptance of the assignment, and arrange for an oath-taking by the COMELEC members to be administered by national president RGV on a date to be set for the purpose.

4.2 Obtain a status report on the PhilRES members of record, by chapters, including an indication of membership in good standing or delinquency, to be provided the COMELEC.

ATTN:  Sec-Gen, Treasurer, and VP for chapter affairs.

4.3 Grant Amnesty for membership dues for all delinquent members, requiring the payment only of P500 to activate membership in good standin

4.4 Require all members of record to sign a Certificate of Renewal of Membership in PhilRES to establish a basis for the Updating of the PhilRES Official Roster of Membership .

4.5 Convene the presidents of all the local PhilRES chapters nationwide to a meeting in Manila with the national directorate.  

Purpose of the meeting:

4.5.1 Briefing of the chapter presidents on the actual situation of PhilRES;

4.5.2 Briefing on the proposed national convention and election, as well as the preparatory activities that shall be undertaken by the chapters.

These shall include, among others, the updating of the roster of members, convening of the chapter members to a meeting for the purpose of updating them on PhilRES matters and briefing them on the election process, as well as the identification of candidates to be nominated by the chapters for the information of the COMELEC and the Board.

4.6 Put together a brief PhilRES Situationer that shall summarize the following, among others:

4.6.1 Recent history of PhilRES

4.6.2 Major accomplishments

4.6.3 Problems & Challenges Surmounted

4.6.4 .Review and Amendment of the Bylaws

4.6.5 PRC Decision to Declare the AIPO vacant pending the Supreme Court Decision on the Petitions to Resolve the Challenges to the Correct Nature of the AIPO

4.6.6 Ratification of the Amended PhilRES Bylaws

4.6.7 Board Decision to Re-Organize for Full Operations by PhilRES to include the holding of the third national convention and the first national election

4.6.8 Constitution of the COMELEC

4.6.9 The National Election Rules

4.6.10 Preparation Activities by the Chapters for the National Electio

4.7 Agree on a regular meeting schedule for the COMELEC members and a working budget as needed.

4.8 Adopt an easy communication system among the members, to include the use of GoogleDocs, for quick sharing of information and resolution of issues and concerns.

4.9 Convene the Board to, among others, fix a definite date for the national convention and election that shall be consistent with the timelines required by the bylaws for the election process. Also, to put together and approve the updated Roster of Members for purposes of the national election, grant Amnesty for delinquent payments, approve the Certificate of Renewal of Allegiance to PhilRES, etc.

4.10 Meet with the Batangas Host Chapter to discuss details of the national convention, including definite date and venue, and preparation of the convention theme and program design.


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